I want to share with you a powerful video that I watched recently. Five and a half minutes of my life that moved me and empowered me to sit up, pay attention and take action. Pay attention to what matters in my life and take action to make a change to not only start living the extraordinary life I deserve, but helping others to do the same.
The message behind the video was about living a life that reflects our values and playing full out every day. To start living a life that we are proud of, a life that we dream of, and a life that leaves no space for ‘what if’. There are a lot of people in the word who can honestly say they are living a life you are happy with, but just as many who will say they aren’t. And it might not be that they aren’t entirely happy, but they feel they aren’t achieving everything in life that they dream of or reaching the goals they set for themselves. And that leaves me wondering, why? And what can we do to change it and help others?
I’ll let the video speak for itself and hopefully answer these questions for you. I hope its sparks a fire in you the way it did me. (click on image to start video).
If you have a spare 16 minutes, I strongly recommend you watch the full version here. It is worth your time and has a slightly different message that will hopefully give you a more in-depth understanding of the importance of not only helping others and practicing kindness, but finding yourself in the process. Since starting ‘Love from J’, I have learnt a lot about myself and have learnt that kindness and giving is in fact a two-way street. Not in the sense that you should expect something in return when helping others, but learning that by helping another being it not only enriches their life but sparks something inside you as well. Like I’ve said so many times before, and this video is evidence of that: helping others and being kind doesn’t cost a thing, but the impact it leaves is extraordinary. And why would you not want to be part of something extraordinary?
Like Sebastian, I’m looking for my next person to help. So, if you or anyone you know is in need of help to achieve their goals and dreams or simply needs a pick me up with some kind, encouraging words written down in a love note – shoot an email to and let’s chat.
Over the next couple of weeks I challenge you to spend some time to not only find your why, but find ways of lending a helping hand and start living deliberately.
Alone we can make a difference. Together we can change the world.
Love from J x